Internasionale Uitruilprogram / International Exchange Programme
Daar bestaan samewerkingsooreenkomste tussen Paul Roos en drie buitelandse skole:
Collège de Marcq (Lille, Frankryk)
Gabriel von Seidl Gymnasium (Bad Tölz, Duitsland)
Sint-Vincentiusinstituut (Torhout, België)
These agreements offer our learners the unique two-yearly opportunity to experience the European milieu with its traditions and distinct culture whilst staying with host families. On the academic and educational level, Paul Roosers become acquainted with and enriched by exposure to the French, German and Belgium school systems.
Slegs die aansoeke van senior leerders (Grade 11 – 12) word aanvaar wanneer die uitruilgroepe saamgestel word. Aangesien die verblyf in bogenoemde sentra gratis is, word hierdie toere teen besonder lae pryse aangebied.
Tour arrangements will be made available to interested learners and their parents at the appropriate time.
Aansoekers deurloop ‘n siftingsproses wat deur ‘n paneel – gelei deur die Rektor – behartig word en 22 uitruilskoliere word uiteindelik benoem.
Obligation: Paul Roos exchange learners are expected to host their 3 European hosts on the occasion of their visits to SA and Paul Roos.