Gr 8 2022 Inligting / Information

See below the English version.

Geagte Voornemende Gr8-ouer en Paul Rooser

Dankie dat u Paul Roos Gimnasium as skool vir u seun gekies het. Lees asb. aandagtig deur alles en vra gerus indien u onseker is oor enigiets.

Volg asb. die skakel en voltooi die vorm teen Vrydag 26 November 2021:


Vind aangeheg die volgende belangrike inligting vir 2022:

2022 Program & Belangrike inligting
1. 2022 PRG Gr. 8 Inligtingstuk _ Important Information

WKOD Algemene Vrywaringsvorm
2. WKOD Algemene Vrywaringsvorm

POPIA Vrywaringsvorm
3. POPIA-PRG-Consent-form
3. POPIA~PRG-Release-form-in-respect-of-learner-photos-images-videos

Splendidior brosjure en – pryslys (skooluniform)
4. Splendidior brief
4. Splendidior Formele Skooldrag _ Official School Wear
4. Splendidior Pryslys~Price list

My School-Kaart aansoekvorm
5. MySchool_Digital_Application_Form_Afrikaans

WKOD Algemene Vrywaringsvorm (WCED General Indemnity  form)

Die WKOD vereis van elke leerder ‘n oorsponklik ingevulde en getekende vorm.  Voltooi die vorm asb. en stuur dit saam met u seun op 18 Januarie 2022.

Ons vra verskoning dat u die mediese inligting op ons “Google form” sowel as op die WKOD-vorm moet invul.

POPIA Vrywaringsvoms

Alle ouers moet asb die aangehegte POPIA-dokumente invul.

U toestemming beteken prakties die volgende: Ons mag u kontak met skoolverwante inligting, bv. rapporte, nuusbriewe; u seun se foto mag in die jaarblad verskyn as deel van ’n sportspan, klasfoto, of in ’n verslag oor sy prestasies; en indien u seun presteer, mag ons hom erkenning op sosiale media gee deur sy foto te plaas.

U inligting sal nie met derde-partye gedeel word nie.

My School-kaart

Ons moedig alle nuwe Paul Roos-ouers aan om voor einde November 2021 aanlyn aansoek te doen vir ‘n My School-kaart.  Volg die skakel

en voltooi die vorm aanlyn.  Indien u reeds ‘n My School-kaart besit, maar die begunstigde is tans u seun se laerskool, stuur asb. ‘n e-pos aan me. Louise Carstens ( met u huidige kaart en ID nommer dat ons die begunstigde na Paul Roos Gimnasium kan verander.

Alternatiewelik kan u die aangehegde My School-kaart vorm voltooi en op die eerste dag saam met u seun skool toe stuur.

Boekelyste en skryfbehoeftes

Daar is enkele WKOD-handboeke wat deur die skool voorsien word.  Dit sal in Januarie 2022 gedurende die eerste skoolweek uitgedeel word.  Die res van die handboeke en skryfbehoeftes moet voor die skole in 2022 begin, aangekoop word.  Handboeklyste en meer inligting is beskikbaar op die Paul Roos webtuiste –


Kooroudisies sal as deel van die verwelkomingsprogram in die oggend gehou word.


Daar is geleenthede vir u seun om aan die begin van Desember en in Januarie die Paul Roos-afrigters te ontmoet en saam met hulle te oefen.

Voltooi asseblief die Google-vorm-afdeling oor atletiek so deeglik as moontlik en sluit aan by die volgende WhatsApp-groep:


2021 Voorseisoen krieketoefening

Alle spelers word uitgenooi na die krieketoefensessies op:

Fri 19 Nov: 15:00 – 17:00
Fri 26 Nov: 15:00 – 17:00
Fri 3 Dec: 15:00 – 17:00

Onmoet by die oval (krieketveld by die skool).  Dra ‘n wit hemp, wit skoene en jou  blou/maroen/wit kortbroek. Bring jou eie kriekettoerusting saam.

Stuur asb. ‘n epos aan Mnr Deneno Alexander by indien jy beplan om een of meer van die sessies by te woon.

Krieketproewe 2022

Meld aan by die PRG oval in ‘n wit hemp, blou/maroen/wit kortbroek en wit tekkies of krieketskoene.  Bring jou eie kriekettoerusting en genoeg water saam

Maan 17 Jan: 14:00 – 15:30 Vanne van A – L;  15:30 – 17:00 Vanne van M – Z
Woe  19 Jan: 14:30 – 17:30
Don  20 Jan: 14:30 – 17:30


2022 Voorseisoenkamp

10 – 18 Januarie (afdag op Sondag 13 Jan). Tye sal bevestig word.  Antonij Rupert Swembad.
Mnr. Vaughn Marlow sal persoonlik kontak maak met almal wat aangedui het dat hul graag  waterpolo wil speel vir Paul Roos.


Oefensessies vir voornemende Gr.8-sokkerspelers vind op die volgende dae plaas by die PRG sokkerveld (oorkant die Paul Roos Spar).

Dinsdag, 30 Nov, 14:30 -16:00
Donderdag 2 Des. om 14:30 – 16:00

Stuur asb. ‘n epos aan mnr. Edmund Pietersen ( voor 25 November 2021 indien u seun belangstel om die oefensessies by te woon.


Die oefensessies wat reeds aan die gang is, is nie proewe nie en geen speler sal gepenaliseer word indien hy nie enige van die sessies bywoon nie.  Dit is slegs ‘n geleentheid om die afrigters en ander spelers beter te leer ken en om tegniese vaardighede te verbeter.

Teken asb. aan op die PRG U14 HOCKEY 2022 Whatsapp-groep deur op die onderstaande skakel te kliek op jou selfoon:


Soos reeds aan u gekommunikeer in die vorige epos, het die oefensessies vir Gr8’s reeds in November afgeskop.  Indien u dit gemis het en nog wil aansluit, kontak gerus vir mnr. Stephan Jordaan per epos by

Die oefensessie vind plaas by Markötter op 20 Nov en 4 Des om 08:30-10:30

Let wel, die oefensessies is GEENSINS proewe nie en u seun sal nie gepenaliseer word indien hy nie die sessies kan bywoon nie.


Ten einde ‘n Paul Roos tennisdatabasis op te stel van die Gr8’s vir 2022, is dit baie belangrik dat almal wat belangstel om tennis te speel vir die Paul Roos-span of op provinsiale vlak die inligting wat gevra word op die Google vorm, wat hierbo ingesluit is, volledig invul.

Die inligting is belangrik vir die identifisering van potensiële spanspelers wat na die Boland/Cavaliers Tennisproewe aan die einde van Januarie, sowel as die Gr8 tennisproewe in Februarie uitgenooi sal word.  Vir enige verdere vrae of inligting, kontak die PRG-tennisafrigter, mnr. Jacobus “Swannie” Swanepoel.

Professionele tennisafrigting
Paul Roos tennisbane
Swannie Swanepoel
Tel: 083 975 8250

Januarie – Desember
Maandag – Vrydag
14:30 – 18:00

Inligting rakende onderriggeld en koshuisbetalingsvorms sal deur die adminkantoor uitgestuur word.

Ons sien daarna uit om u as ouer en jou as nuwe Paul Rooser by ons te verwelkom!

Geniet die vakansie.


Dear prospective Gr 8 Parents and Paul Roosers

Thank you for making Paul Roos your school of choice.  Please read through everything thoroughly and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Please follow the link and complete the Google form as thoroughly as possible before Friday 26 November 2021:


Find attached the following important information for 2022:

2022 Programme & Important information
1. 2022 PRG Gr. 8 Inligtingstuk _ Important Information

WCED General Indemnity form
2. WCED General Consent form

POPIA Consent form
3. POPIA-PRG-Consent-form
3. POPIA~PRG-Release-form-in-respect-of-learner-photos-images-videos

Splendidior brochure and – price list (school uniform)
4. Splendidior Letter
4. Splendidior Formele Skooldrag _ Official School Wear
4. Splendidior Pryslys~Price list

My School Card application form
5. MySchool_Digital_Application_Form_English

WCED General Indemnity form

The WCED requires a completed and signed form for all learners.  Please complete the form and send it with your son on 18 January, 2022.  We apologise for the duplication but please fill in all your medical information on our Google form, as well as the WCED form.

POPIA Consent forms

All parents must please complete the attached POPIA-forms.

In practice your consent means the following: we may contact you with relevant school information such as reports and newsletters; your son’s picture may appear in the year book as part of a class or team photos, or in a report about his achievements; and if your son performs at a certain level, we may give him credit by posting his picture on social media.  Your information will not be shared with a third party.

My School Card

We encourage all new Paul Roos parents to apply online for a My School Card before the end of November 2021.  Follow the link

and complete the form.  If you already have a My School Card but the beneficiary is your son’s primary school, please send an email to Louise Carstens ( with your current card and your ID number so that we can change the beneficiary to Paul Roos Gymnasium. Alternatively complete the attached My School Card form and send it back to school.

Book lists and stationery

There are only a few WCED textbooks which will be supplied by the school.  These books will be handed out in January 2022 during the first week of school.  The rest of the textbooks and stationery must be purchased before the school starts in 2022.  Book lists and more information are available on the Paul Roos website –

Choir auditions

Choir auditions will be held during the morning as part of the welcoming programme.


There are opportunities for your son to meet and train with the Paul Roos coaches in the beginning of December and in January.

Please complete the Google form section about athletics as thoroughly as possible and join the following WhatsApp group:


2021 Cricket pre-season training

All players are invited to join the cricket training sessions on:

Fri 19 Nov: 15:00 – 17:00
Fri 26 Nov: 15:00 – 17:00
Fri 3 Dec: 15:00 – 17:00

Meet at the PRG oval (cricket field at the school).  Wear a white shirt, white shoes and navy/maroon/white shorts .  Bring your kit bag.

Please send an email to Mr Deneno Alexander at if you plan to attend one or more of these sessions.

Cricket trials 2022

Report at the PRG oval with a white shirt, navy/maroon/white shorts and white tekkies or cricket shoes.  Bring your own cricket gear and enough water.

Mon 17 Jan: 14:00 – 15:30 Surnames from A – L; 15:30 – 17:00 Surnames from M – Z
Wed 19 Jan: 14:30 – 17:30
Thu 20 Jan: 14:30 – 17:30

Water polo

2022 Pre-season camp

10 – 18 January (Off day on Sun. 13 Jan). Times TBC. Antonij Rupert Swimming pool.
Mr Vaughn Marlow will contact everyone who indicated that they would like to play water polo at Paul Roos.


Training sessions for prospective Gr. 8s will be held on the following days at the PRG soccer field (opposite the Paul Roos Spar):

Tuesday, 30 November at 14:30 -16:00
Thursday 2 December at 14:30 – 16:00

Please send an email to Mr Edmund Pietersen ( before 25 November 2021 if your son is interested in attending these training sessions.


The sessions that are currently running are not trials and no player will be penalised for not being able to attend these sessions.  It is simply an opportunity to get to know the coaches and other players and improve technical skills.

Please join the PRG U14 HOCKEY 2022 WhatsApp group by clicking on the link below on your cell phone:


As communicated in the previous email, we have already started with training sessions in November.  If you missed out on signing up for these sessions and would still like to join, feel free to contact Mr Stephan Jordaan at

The training sessions are at Markötter on 20 Nov and 4 Dec at 08:30-10:30

Please note, these are NOT trials and your son will not be penalised if he does not attend the training sessions.


To be able to compile a Paul Roos Tennis data base for the Gr8’s of 2022, it is very important that everyone who is interested in playing for the Paul Roos tennis team or any provincial team,  complete the Google form included above.

This information is very important for identifying potential team players, who will be invited to the Boland/Cavaliers Tennis trials at the end of January as well as the grade 8 tennis trials in February.  For any other questions or more information, please contact the PRG tennis coach, Mr Jacobus “Swannie” Swanepoel.

Professional Tennis Coaching
Paul Roos Tennis Courts
Swannie Swanepoel
Tel: 083 975 8250

January – December
Monday – Friday
14:30 – 18:00

Information regarding school fees, hostel fees and payment will be sent out by the administration office.

We are looking forward to welcome you as a parent and your son as a new Paul Rooser at our school!

Enjoy the holiday.