Algemene Nuus / General News

J.F. Marais Media Centre / Mediasentrum

J.F. Marais Media Centre / Mediasentrum

Paul Roos Gimnasium het sy nuwe J.F. Marais Mediasentrum op Dinsdag, 31 Augustus onthul. Die geleentheid is bygewoon deur verteenwoordigers van die skool en sy beheerliggaam, donateurs en lede van die projekspan.

V.l.n.r: Arend de Waal – Voorsitter, Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds; Frans van Niekerk – PRG Adjunk-rektor; André van Staden – PRG Rektor; Willie Maliwe – WKOD; Roelou Slabbert – Voorsitter, PRG Beheerliggaam.

The facility was officially unveiled by Arend de Waal, Chairman of the Het Jan Marais National Fund (HJMNF), a major contributor to the project. “We value the involvement and donations of our old boys and the long-standing relationship with HJMNF without whom this project would not have been possible. As a government school it is imperative to have partners that share in the school’s vision for academic excellence”, says Rector, Mr André van Staden.

Die Mediasentrum vervang die oorspronklike biblioteek wat in 1901 gestig is en wat vernoem is na die skool se eerste Suid-Afrikaanse rektor, dr J.F. Marais (1897-1901), wat in 1901 tragies verdrink het by Rooi Els.

The library was temporarily mothballed in 2019, and in 2020 the decision was made to transform the original library into a state-of-the-art media centre.

Die nuwe Mediasentrum vereenselwig Paul Roos se tradisies en waardes met moderne onderrig- ​​en leermetodes en hulpmiddels. Dit spog met ’n versameling fiksie- en nie-fiksieboeke wat daarop gemik is om Paul Roosers se akademiese navorsings- en leesbehoeftes te ondersteun. Dit bevat ook ’n indrukwekkende versameling gepubliseerde werke wat oor en/of deur Old Boys geskryf is.

The book collection is arranged following a broad “bookshop-type” categorisation, allowing learners to locate material effortlessly.

The design is centred around seven learning areas to cater for a variety of learning scenarios, from self-study cubicles, open classroom-type space, a relaxing reading lounge, to a virtual reality (VR) emersion booth, to mention but a few. The VR booth allows learners to explore and experience often unattainable venues and locations, i.e. European art museums, outer space etc. Miss René Walsh, Media Centre Manager, is excited to offer the Paul Rooser a space that appeals to their interest, “I have no doubt that a space of this nature will encourage our boys to spend more time with and instil a greater appreciation for the written word and an opportunity to broaden their general knowledge”.

Die sentrum bevat verder ’n aparte wegbreekkamer, die “Portchie-kamer”, vernoem na die bekende Paul Roos Old Boy, vriend en kunstenaar, Portchie. Die vertrek huisves die skildery “Broederskap”, wat deur Portchie geskenk is en wat verteenwoordigend is van hierdie kernwaarde wat by elke Paul Rooser ingeskerp word. Die kamer huisves ook ’n verskeidenheid spesiale versamelings, klassieke literatuur, poësie, uitvoerende kunste, musiek, kuns en musiekboeke.

The media centre strategy is centred around being an integral part of the school’s academic and cultural hub and offers an ideal space for activities such as chess and debating competitions, book launches and reviews.