Huisreëls / House Rules
Die koshuis is ‘n plek waar ons mekaar en mekaar se eiendom respekteer. Dit is ‘n voorreg (nie ‘n reg nie) om in een van die Paul Roos koshuise tuis te gaan. Daarom word daar van elke inwoner verwag om betrokke te wees en deel te neem aan soveel as moontlik van die aktiwiteite wat die skool aanbied. Daar word ook verwag om hierdie reëls ten alle tye na te kom.
- Order must prevail in and around the hostel at all times.
- Boarders must respond promptly to the bells.
- Boarders must stand when conversing with adults and be polite at all times.
- Damage to property must be reported to the house master immediately. It must also be written in the book for repairs.
- The use of liquor and cigarettes/vaping devices or related drugs is strictly prohibited, as well as related unacceptable behaviour.
- Leaving the school/sports grounds without permission is strictly prohibited.
- No boarder is allowed to walk alone outside the schoolgrounds after 18:30.
- Clothes and other belongings must be marked properly.
- Rooms must be completely vacated during the holidays. If necessary, a store room will be available to learners who live more than 250 km from the school.
- No boarders will be allowed in the hostel during school hours without the prior permission of the housemaster.
- A hostel assistant and prefect will be on duty over weekends, to help with discipline.
- The hostel assistant and/or prefects will do room inspection daily.
- Personal valuables like money and cell phones etc. are the learner’s own responsibility and must be locked away in his cupboard. The hostel won’t be held responsible for any losses.
- No boarder will be allowed to park a vehicle or motor bike overnight on the hostel premises.
- Boarders staying in over weekends must at all times keep the assistant on duty informed of their whereabouts.
- Siektes en ander skete moet tydens ontbyt aan die assistent aandiens/koshuisvader gerapporteer word. Die assistent gee dan hierdie name deur aan Kamer 14 vir hantering.
- Nadat ouers gekontak word word doktersafsprake deur Kamer 14 gemaak. Hulle sal, in oorleg met die koshuivader, omsien na die welsyn van die koshuisganger gedurende skoolure.
- Leerlinge wat by die skool siek raak meld ook by Kamer 14 aan.
- Leerlinge wat in die middag of aand siek raak meld by die diensdoenende assistant (of koshuisvader) aan. Indien nodig, sal hierdie person die kosganger na ‘n plaaslike geneesheer of na die privaat hospital neem vir behandeling.
- Versoeke om by vriende gedurende die week (Maandag – Donderdag) te bly/kuier/oor te slaap sal slegs deur die koshuisvader oorweeg word. Leerlinge sal slegs toegelaat word om by hulle ouers gedurende die skoolweek te bly indien die koshuisvader toestemming gegee het.
- Tradisioneel maak ons koshuisseuns gebruik van die mediese praktyk van Drs Bosman, Brink en Groeneveld in Dorpstraat (021-8872820) en die Stelkor Apteek in die Stelkor Mediese Sentrum (021-8833162). Beide is binne stapafstand van die koshuise gelëe. Stelkor Apteek doen ook gratis aflewerings van medikasie by ons koshuise.
- Medikasie. Neem kennis van die skrywe oor selfmedikasie. Die koshuispersoneel word volgens wet verbied om enige soort medikasie aan u seun te gee. Vandaar die versoek dat u ‘n eenvoudige noodhulpsakkie vir u seun sal aanskaf word wat die basiese medikasie vir hoofpyn etc. sal bevat. Die brief is op die webblad.
- Official school sportswear should be worn for all activities from after school until supper.
- Pupils going home Friday afternoons for the weekend will leave the hostel in school clothes.
- Boarders staying in over the weekend have to ask permission from the assistant on-duty to go to town.
- Boarders representing the school off the school grounds during the week will do so in “step-outs”.
- Boarders are allowed to have cell phones in the hostel at their own risk.
- Cell phones are not to be used during study/prep sessions.
- The hostel/school’s WIFI is switched off from 22:00 – 05:00.
- Cell phone’s and the use thereof is also discussed in the school’s code of conduct.
Daily arrangements
- Daily leave must be arranged with the assistant on duty during breakfast.
- No boarder may leave the hostel premises in the evening or when signed in on weekends without permission from the house master or the assistant on duty.
- Each boarder is responsible for his own leave arrangements.
- Leave for school activities must be arranged by the teacher responsible for the activity.
- Leave will only be granted for official school activities by the assistant on duty. All other requests must be directed to the Housemaster for permission.
- Late dinner will be served at 20:15. Permission for late dinner will be granted in cases where the boarder needs to attend official school activities. It must be arranged with Me. de Klerk at lunch and must be written down in the “laatete” book in the dining hall.
Permission to go to town
- Boarders will be allowed to go to town between 14:30 and 17:00.
- Special arrangements must be made with the assistant on duty beforehand.
- Learners may go to the Spar after dinner, but they must be back before 18:30. After this, no learner may leave the hostel premises without permission.
- No boarder may go to town during or after study/prep.
- Over weekends, no boarder may leave the hostel premises after 18:30.
Weekend leave
Weekly boarders
- Also see section on signing in and out procedures.
- No weekly boarder will be allowed to sleep at his house (during the week). Permission will be granted in exceptional cases by the Housemaster only.
- Boarders complete a weekly google form each Wednesday to indicate whether they intent to stay in the hostel over the weekend.
- Parents receive an email, on a Thursday, with a weekend list with the names of learners, who intent to stay in for the weekend. Any discrepancies must be communicated to the Housemaster before Friday (end of school day).
- Parents notify the school in writing of any changes on the weekend list. (no reply will be regarded as acceptance of the list). If a boarder is not signed in, it is assumed that the parents of the boarder take full responsibility for him.
Term boarders
- Boarders may go home to parents or with friends as arranged with the Housemaster. Parents must give their consent in writing via “WhatsApp”or e-mail.
Other leave during the week
- Birthdays: The boarder may invite friends to dinner, only if prior arrangements have been made with the Housemaster. Parents need to give their written permission as well. This will be decided on discretion of the Housemaster.
- Special events, extra classes/tuition off campus must be arranged prior with the Housemaster and “step-outs” must be worn.
- Geen besoekers word in die koshuis toegelaat sonder die toestemming van die koshuisvader of toesighoudende assistent nie.
- Geen besoeker word tydens stilte-tyd, etenstye, studie-ure of na ligte-uit in die koshuis toegelaat nie.
- Parents are allowed in the hostel Friday and Sunday afternoons when dropping off or picking up their sons. Ouers word versoek om die geleentheid te gebruik om die kaste se netheid na te gaan en beddegoed om te ruil.
- All meals during the school week are compulsory.
- Meals on weekends and public holidays must be booked prior to these days.
- Kosgangers sit op bed, deure oop.
- Absolute stilte word gehandhaaf: geen radio ens. nie.
- Kamerinspeksie vind plaas.
The following appliances are allowed:
- Radio
- Fan
- Bedside lamp
- Fridge (1 per room)
- Laptop
- No: kettles, fans, microwave ovens, frying pans, heaters and electrical blankets are allowed in the rooms.
- Toesighoudende assistent gee Vrydagoggend, tydens ontbyt, die naweek se reëlings aan kosgangers. “Roll call” sal by elke ete geneem word.
- Dit is die kosganger se verantwoordelikheid om die assistant aandiens in te lig oor sy beweging gedurende die naweek.
- Gr 8’s study in the dining hall under supervision.
- Gr 9 – 12 study in their own rooms.
- During study/prep: absolute silence, no cell phones, no movement between rooms and no loud music.