Paul Roos wins the JSE Investment Challenge 2021
The JSE Investment Challenge aims to teach high school learners about the world of investing. Paul Roos Gymnasium was crowned as the winners of the JSE Investment Challenge 2021 schools ’division. The Pure Wholesomeness team consisting out of Francois Paul Lategan, Michael Samson, Jaydon Durr and Muhammud Docrat represented Paul Roos Gymnasium on their first place win in the Speculator Portfolio. 22,000 learners and students nationwide participated from 364 schools and universities. The competition took place from February to September 2021.
Die JSE Beleggingsuitdaging het ten doel om hoërskoolleerders te leer oor die wêreld van beleggings. Paul Roos Gimnasium is aangedui as die wenners van die JSE Beleggingsuitdaging 2021 in die skole-afdeling. Die Pure Wholesomeness-span wat bestaan het uit Francois Paul Lategan, Michael Samson, Jaydon Durr en Muhammud Docrat het Paul Roos Gimnasium verteenwoordig met hul eerste plek-oorwinning in die ‘Speculator Portfolio’. 22 000 leerders en studente landwyd het deelgeneem uit 364 skole en universiteite. Die kompetisie het vanaf Februarie tot 20 September 2021 plaasgevind.