Portchie se Great 58: ‘n eerste in 18 jaar in Stellenbosch
‘n Viering vir die boeke
Portchie se Great 58: ‘n eerste in 18 jaar in Stellenbosch
In Oktober het die gesamentlike projek van Paul Roos Gimnasium en Investec die Stellenbosch kunsgemeenskap beïndruk met ‘n uitmuntende kunsuitstalling en uitreikprogram, “See and Be Seen”. Hierdie uitstalling is by Paul Roos Gimnasium/ Universiteit van Stellenbosch se nuutgeboude binnenshuise krieketsentrum aangebied. Die amptelike opening van die binnenshuise krieketsentrum geskied in November 2021. Nóg ‘n spesiale geleentheid wat November by die onthaalarea van die krieketsentrum aangebied word, is die verjaarsdag van Stellenbosse kunstenaar en Paul Roos oudstudent, Portchie.
This internationally known artist sold more than 18 500 original art works over the last thirty years. More than a million of his prints have been sold and are appreciated in households and offices across the globe.
Portchie spog met 80 solo uitstallings (nasionaal en internasionaal), waarvan die Great 58 uitstalling sy eerste solo-uitstalling in agtien jaar in sy tuisdorp is. “Ek werk met ‘n groot element van vreugde, en glo dit loop soos ‘n goue draad deur my werk”, vertel Portchie. “Hierdie uitstalling vind in dieselfde week as my verjaarsdag plaas, en ek is opgewonde om almal teenwoordig met ietsie spesiaal te bederf”.
The success of the “See and Be Seen” art exhibition proved that the Longroom is the perfect space to host art exhibitions and was subsequently furnished to serve this purpose in future. The future came sooner than later, with Portchie bringing his special exhibition to the Long Room on 21 November 2021. The artist will be exhibiting 58 special paintings to celebrate his birthday of the same number. He invites fans and art collectors to attend the special opening and one-day-exhibition, to join in the celebrations and purchase their favourite works of art.
Weens Portchie se betrokkenheid en inspirerende bydrae tot die “See and Be Seen” uitreikprogram met die jeug, is Paul Roos Gimnasium bevoorreg om hierdie geleentheid aan te bied. Toegang is gratis, maar besprekings is noodsaaklik.
Event Address: Long Room @ Cricket Oval, Paul Roos Gymnasium, 311 Suidwal Rd, Krigeville, Stellenbosch, 7600
Time: 11h00-16h00
Date: 21 November 2021
RSVP: https://forms.gle/4S1XnMYJaiUiQWD27