PRG-Leerderondersteuning / PRG Learner Support

At Paul Roos Gymnasium, a learner’s holistic development is important to us. Psychological, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual development is part of the growth process to ensure a healthy adulthood. If a learner struggles to function optimally, we have different systems in place to help him achieve his potential – systems which will help him overcome personal, emotional, psychological, behavioural, academic, family and relationship difficulties.

Personal characteristics in adolescents are important in how they see themselves and how they behave, but their environment also greatly contributes to who they are. It is important to identify and develop their personal strengths, while capitalising on their environmental and community assets. It is vital that the different systems at work in a Paul Rooser’s life will function in a complementary way, because when the different parties work together, it becomes a powerful and positive force in the learner’s journey towards reaching maturity.

Indien  ouers werklik bekommerd is oor hul kind se emosionele of skolastiese uitvalle word daar voorgestel dat ‘n privaat sielkundige genader word om ‘n in diepte ondersoek te loods ten einde ‘n individuele ondersteuningsplan vir u kind op te stel, spesifiek vir u kind se behoeftes.

Indien u seun reeds ‘n waardevolle konneksie met ‘n onderwyser het is dit dikwels ‘n gesonde opsie om verdere gesprekke aan te moedig as ‘n manier van ondersteuning.

Mrs Emsie de Lange, the head of learner support, can be contacted via email on

Monique Barnes, ‘n voorligtingsielkundige, is deur PRG gekontrakteer om op Maandae tot Donderdae van 8:00 tot 14:00 sielkundige dienste aan die skool te verskaf. Mev Barnes (  sien meestal leerders wat deur die personeel na haar verwys word in hierdie ure. Die fokus van Me Barnes se dienste is om die skool instaat te stel om aan spesifieke vereistes van die WKOD te voldoen, wat nie tans deur die huidige ondersteuningspan hanteer kan word nie.

Me Barnes praktiseer ook privaat op Vrydae, Saterdae en sommige middae van die week. Hiérdie diens sou van u mediese fonds geëis kon word, indien u plan dit toelaat. Meer inligting rakende Mev Monique Barnes se privaatpraktyk.

Lelani Cloete is an Educational Psychologist who has a practice on the school premises. Lelani is familiar with the school context, as she was a counsellor and teacher at the school for thirteen years, of which six as the Head of Learner Support, before moving to private practice.

See pdf for services offered.

Lelani Cloete Psychologist
Whatsapp: 082 320 9477

Assessment Accommodations are granted to learners with special educational needs (LSEN) in accordance with departmental policy and should not be seen as a right for learners in mainstream education. Special needs include: neurological disorders; auditory and visual impairments; physical, learning, emotional and behavioural disabilities. A learner is granted an assessment accommodation in order to obtain the most accurate reflection of his knowledge, potential and skills. The assessment standard may never be compromised and the learner with special needs may never be advantaged. According to the provincial policy all requests must reach the counsellor before 30 November of a learner’s grade 10 year. The application process for an accommodation will start in reaction to a problem/need identified by the school or in reaction to a parent’s request. See steps 1 to 3 in the accompanying diagram. If it is decided after step 3 to recommend an assessment, parents can take the learner to a private psychologist of their choice or make use of the psychologist contracted by the school, free of charge.

Reports from occupational and speech therapists, as well as remedial reports, may be used as supporting material in the application, but not as the primary motivation. The psychologist’s report is the primary motivation. The report may not be older than 3 years.

Academic help on Mondays:
Monday afternoons are reserved for academic assistance. Teachers are available in their classrooms for extra classes from 14:20 until 15:00.

Helpful resources:

Emosionele ondersteuning en Stresbestuur

Emotional and Stress Management