Schalk Brits Scholarship / Beurs

Schalk Brits Scholarship

Paul Roos Gymnasium (PRG) proudly offers a full rugby scholarship for an elite 16/17-year-old sportsman.

Closing date: 29 September 2023

About Schalk Brits

Schalk Brits is a PRG Old Boy who matriculated in 1999. His professional rugby career spanned over 20 years who played for various teams in South Africa (Stormers, Bulls, Lions) as well as Saracens in the United Kingdom. Internationally he made his debut for the Springboks in 2008 and he retired at the end of 2019 as one of the players and captains of the World Cup-winning team. His ability to lift the spirit amongst his fellow team mates and set an example with his professionalism and superb work rate is evident in the words of Rassie Erasmus, South Africa’s Director of Rugby: “Schalk was an invaluable member of the 2019 Rugby World Cup-winning team. He came in with one goal in mind and that was to make the Springboks successful, putting aside his own ambitions and selflessly working for the greater good of the team, as a player and a mentor to younger squad members.” Brits is the epitome of PRG’s values of hard work, discipline, honesty and humility.

About the Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded to a deserving young sportsman that embodies the values that Schalk Brits is so well known for in the international rugby community. During the scholarship, Schalk Brits will act as your mentor and help you reach your full potential not only as a great sportsman but a leader of men.

Who can apply

  • An A-team player with the potential and drive to play in a provincial or national team
  • Born in 2007 or 2008
  • Willing to start at PRG in January 2024
  • Good academic record
  • Exemplary disciplinary record

Please submit the following by latest 29 September 2023 to

  • Full CV
  • Cover letter explaining why you are the suitable candidate
  • Certified copy of ID/Birth Certificate
  • A recent photo of yourself

Please note that if you haven’t received feedback from the school by 10 October you can consider your application unsuccessful.  Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

PRG reserves the right not to award this scholarship.

Download official document here.
Schalk Brits Beurs-Finaal



Schalk Brits-beurs

Paul Roos Gimnasium (PRG) bied met trots ‘n volledige rugbybeurs aan vir ‘n elite 16/17-jarige sportman.

Sluitingsdatum: 29 September 2023

Agtergrond Schalk Brits

Schalk Brits is ‘n PRG-oudskolier wat in 1999 gematrikuleer het en sy professionele rugbyloopbaan strek oor ’n periode van 20 jaar waartydens hy vir verskillende spanne in Suid-Afrika (Stormers, Bulle, Leeus) sowel as Saracens in die Verenigde Koninkryk gespeel het. Hy maak sy debuut vir die Springbokke in 2008, en tree hy in 2019 uit as lid van die span wat die Wêreldbeker wen. Met sy vermoë om spangees hoog te hou, is hy ook ‘n voorbeeld van professionaliteit en uitstekende werksywer soos duidelik blyk uit die woorde van Rassie Erasmus, direkteur van Rugby in Suid-Afrika: “Schalk was ‘n lid wat onskatbare waarde toegevoeg het tot die 2019 Rugbywêreldbeker wenspan. Hy het met een doel voor oë gekom en dit was om die Springbokke suksesvol te maak, deur sy eie ambisies opsy te skuif en onbaatsugtig te werk vir die groter beswil van die span, as speler en mentor vir jonger groeplede.” Brits is die toonbeeld van PRG se waardes van harde werk, dissipline, eerlikheid en nederigheid.

Omtrent die Beurs

Die beurs word toegeken aan ‘n verdienstelike jong sportman wat die waardes beliggaam waarvoor Schalk Brits in die internasionale rugbygemeenskap bekend is. Brits sal optree as ’n mentor vir die beurshouer en die seun help om sy volle potensiaal te bereik as ‘n uitstekende sportman en ‘n volwaardige leier.

Wie kan aansoek doen

  • `n A-spanspeler met die potensiaal en dryfkrag om in ‘n provinsiale of nasionale span te speel
  • Gebore in 2007 of 2008
  • Bereid om Januarie 2024 by PRG te begin
  • Goeie akademiese rekord
  • Voorbeeldige dissiplinêre rekord

Handig die volgende in teen 29 September 2023 by

  • Volledige CV
  • Dekbrief waarin jy verduidelik waarom jy die geskikte kandidaat is
  • Gewaarmerkte afskrif van ID / geboortesertifikaat
  • ’n Onlangse foto van jouself

Let daarop dat as daar teen 10 Oktober geen terugvoering ontvang is nie, die aansoek as onsuksesvol beskou kan word. Slegs gekortlyste kandidate sal gekontak word.

PRG behou die reg voor om hierdie beurs nie toe te ken nie.

Laai offisiële dokument hier af.
Schalk Brits Beurs-Finaal