Klub 1000

Join The Maroon Movement – Parents And Old Boys Taking Hands At Klub1000

A fundraising initiative with social networking benefits for all its members.

Dit is vir Paul Roos Gimnasium wonderlik om elke jaar nuwe ouers te verwelkom. Paul Roos sien jaarliks daarna uit om ‘n pad saam met sy nuwe ouers te stap terwyl hul seun(s) se aspirasies vir die toekoms gevoed en ontwikkel word. Dit is belangrik vir Paul Roos om diegene wat nie oud-leerders is nie, ‘n geleentheid te bied om betrokke en deel van die Paul Roos ervaring te wees.

KLUB1000 creates a space that ensures that no new parent should ever feel excluded. It offers parents the opportunity to shake hands and share a glass of wine with other parents and Old Boys, while supporting the school and its scholars.

In a nutshell:

KLUB1000 is inclusive of new parents as well as old boys. It provides the best of both worlds!

KLUB1000 hosts social and fundraising events throughout the year and profits are utilised to fund special projects involving the upgrading and maintenance of infrastructure at the school, wherever the need or shortfall may be. Be assured that all funds are spent to better the infrastructure and future of Paul Roos Gymnasium.


Gedurende 1991 het Paul Roos Gimnasium, in `n poging om `n groter saal te bou, `n skenking (in die vorm van ‘n staalstruktuur) van ‘n ouer ontvang. Daar is besluit om die staalstruktuur by die Markötter sportgronde op te rig. Verdere fondse is gevolglik tydens twee GreyBloem tuiswedstryde ingesamel, en die struktuur is toegebou. Gou het dit duidelik geword dat nog donasies nodig is om die beplande bouplan suksesvol uit te voer. Donasies (in die vorm van fondse, boumateriaal, arbeid en so meer) het gevolg. Die idee om ‘n fondswerwingsinisiatief van stapel te stuur, was ‘n logiese uitvloeisel waarna een van die eerste ondersteuners van dié inisiatief, Fanie Badenhorst besluit het om dié idee te ondersteun en te help bemark. Die aankope van ‘n R100-steen het gou gevorder tot ‘n R1000-bydrae opsie, wat meer voordele, soos o.a. gesellige funksies wat optredes deur gaskunstenaars insluit, gebied het. Wat begin het as ‘n Klub vir uitsluitlik mans, het vinnig ontwikkel as ‘n Klub waar mans én vroue welkom is. Dit is met hierdie organiese se beskeie begin, wat Klub 1000 tot stand gekom het, en uiteindellik daarin geslaag het om Markötter se ‘Long Room’, kroeg, braai areas, planne vir die Paul Roos Sentrum, en veel meer te befonds.


Klub 1000-lede kry voorkeurbehandeling by tuis-sportwedstryde en is altyd welkom by gesellighede na afloop van wedstryde. Klub 1000-lede kan uitsien na ‘n kombinasie van goeie geselskap, kos, wyn en musiek in die Klubhuis.

Joining Club 1000 is not compulsory, but should parents decide to join, they can rest assured that their donations serve as an investment in their children’s future at this spectacular school.

The goal of CLUB 1000:

  1. Fundraising for non-budgeted facilities: to generate income streams to assist in developing and building new facilities on school grounds.
  2. Socialising: To create an opportunity for parents and friends to integrate in the greater Paul Roos family – especially parents that are not of the old boy fraternity.

Voordele aan KLUB 1000-lede:

  1. ‘n Klub 1000 das/pet.
  2. Klub 1000-lede se name en vanne word op Klub 1000-erebord geplaas.
  3. ‘n Versekering van ‘n minimum van 2 sosiale funksies per jaar (teen die lid se eie koste).
  4. Die grootste voordeel vir lede is die wete dat hulle `n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die instandhouding en versekering van top-gehalte onderwys en gepaardgaande infrastruktuur vir Paul Roos se toekomstige jong leerders maak.

How do we generate funds?

  1. Memberhip fees
  2. Fundraising events


  1. The building of the Long Room  – Club 1000’s headquarters for the last 20 years.
  2. The tarring of the road leading to Markötter Sport Complex.
  3. Funding of the building plans of the PRG Centre to the value of R120 000.
  4. The cement stairs at the state of the art PRG cricket oval on the school premises.
  5. The provision of tables and benches in front of the Roosinbosch Cafeteria on the school premises.
  6. A R400 000 contribution towards the building expenses of the top terrace of Markötter’s Club House.
  7. Smaller capital contributions as requested by the PRG Governing Body.
  8. A R150 000 contribution towards the improvement of the Matric grounds in 2018.
  9. Funding of a much-needed borehole at Markötter Sports Complex during the draught.
  10. Paving of the cricket / rugby area at Markötter Sports Complex.
  11. Funding of the branding of the School and Markötter Sports Complex, which includes branding at the traffic circle on the corner of Suidwal and Piet Retief street(s) (in front of Paul Roos Kwikspar).
  1. New member welcoming function | Verwelkomingsfunksie vir nuwe lede.
  2. Potjiekos Day\Dag.
  3. Wynfees / Harvest Festival.
  4. PRG Wynveiling – a Wine Auction in collaboration with the OSU and PRG Brand Management Office.

Klub 1000 bied u twee opsies om aan te sluit:

Option 1: R1 000 once-off donation


  1. 5-year membership
  2. A membership card for free access to Markötter Sport Complex (for school rugby hosted by PRG)


Option 2: R2 500 once-off donation


  1. Life-long membership
  2. A membership card for free access to Markötter Sport Complexc (for school rugby hosted by PRG)
  3. A plaque with your name, on the Klub 1000 board at Markötter Sports Complex

Word 'n Lid | Become a Member