Vermindering van skoolgeld / Reduction of School Fees
Ouers wat wil aansoek doen vir die vrystelling van betaling van skoolgeld vir ’n spesifieke leerder moet jaarliks skriftelik aansoek doen. Die vorms is by die administratiewe kantoor beskikbaar. Ouers wat aangedui het dat hulle aansoek gaan doen vir verminderde skoolgeld sal die vorms elektronies ontvang. Volledig voltooide vorms, met stawende dokumentasie, moet teen 28 Februarie van die betrokke skooljaar ingedien wees. Indien nodig, mag verdere inligting deur die skool aangevra word. Die beheerliggaam behou die reg voor om onderhoude te voer met alle persone wat aansoek doen.
Indien aansoeke na 28 Februarie ingedien word, word vermindering slegs bereken vanaf datum van ontvangs.
Die vorms is by die administratiewe kantoor beskikbaar.
Applications for exemption from payment of school fees for a specific learner, have to be made annually in writing. The relevant forms are available from the administration office. Parents whom have indicated that they want to apply for reduced fees, will receive the forms electronically. The fully completed forms and support documentation have to be handed in by 28 February of the relevant school year. In the event that further information is required, the school may issue such a request to the parents. The governing body reserves the right to conduct interviews with all parents applying for reduction in fees.
If applications are received after 28 February, the reduction will only be calculated from the date that the form was received.
The relevant forms are available from the administration office.