Vakverandering / Change of Subject
When a learner changes a subject it is the learner’s responsibility to catch up on work he missed.
Graad 8 & 9: Leerders mag nie hul keusevak van graad 8 na graad 9 verander nie, aangesien klasgrootte, onderwyser-indeling en hulpbronne reeds vasgestel is deur die aantal leerders wat ‘n vak neem. Uitsonderlike gevalle sal oorweeg word, mits dit nie klasgroottes beïnvloed nie. Leerders mag hul Taal na ‘n Huistaal of Addisionele taal verander. ‘n Toestemmingsbrief moet deur die ouers na gestuur word.
Grade 10 – 12: A subject change form can be collected from Mrs Elna Horn during the times that subject changes are open. These times are communicated in the grade groups. The form must be completed fully and the hard copy handed back. No forms must be sent by e-mail. Engineering Graphics and Design, Physical Science, Accounting, Mathematics and any extra subject may not be started in Gr 11 and 12.
Please note that the feasibility of subject changes depends on class sizes, timetable variables and availability of teaching staff. It is not a given that the subject change will materialise. Final permission resides with the Western Cape Education Department. The school may give temporary permission that a learner may change a subject, but the department has the final verdict, which may take up to two weeks before final permission is given. The learner and his parents are, therefore, at risk that their request cannot be granted and that the learner will have to return to his original subject.
Mathematics is a requirement for Physical Sciences and Information Technology (Grade 11 and 12 of 2018 only). If a learner decides to change from Mathematics to Mathematical Literacy he will therefore also need to change the mentioned subjects.
Information Technology (IT) is offered in group 5, as part of the school hours. The learner can also take it as an extra subject in Grade 10 after school hours. If you decide to continue with IT in grade 11 and 12 you may replace one of your choice subjects in another group. It is however, taken after school.
When a subject is dropped / Information Technology becomes a learner’s seventh subject. It is also seen as a subject change and the above mentioned process must be followed.
Sperdatums vir vakveranderinge:
Graad 8:
Geen keusevak mag verander word nie. Die leerder mag slegs van ‘n Huistaal na Addisionele Taal of andersom verander. Uitsonderlike gevalle sal oorweeg word, mits dit nie klasgroottes beïnvloed nie.
Die eerste week van die jaar.
Die eerste week van die derde kwartaal.
Graad 9:
Geen keusevak mag verander word nie. Die leerder mag slegs van ‘n Huistaal na Addisionele Taal of andersom verander. Uitsonderlike gevalle sal oorweeg word, mits dit nie klasgroottes beïnvloed nie.
Die eerste week van die jaar.
Graad 10:
Die eerste week van die jaar OF die eerste week van kwartaal 3. ‘n Maksimum van TWEE vakke mag vir die jaar verander word.
Graad 11:
Maksimum TWEE vakke in die eerste week van die jaar of in die eerste week van kwartaal 2. Een addisionele vak mag verander word vir sy Graad 12 jaar na die November eksamen en voor die laaste dag van die skooljaar.
Graad 12:
GEEN vakveranderinge word in Graad 12 toegelaat nie.