2024 Paul Roos Gr. 8 Inligting / Information

See below the English version.

Geagte Voornemende Gr8-ouer en Paul Rooser

Dankie dat u Paul Roos Gimnasium as skool vir u seun gekies het.

Vind aangeheg die volgende belangrike inligting vir 2024:

  1. 2024 Program & Belangrike inligting
  2. Splendidior Amptelike Skooluniform
  3. Splendidior Gr 8 2024
  4. Handboek Lys
  5. Akademiese Ondersteuning
  6. My School-Kaart aansoekvorm

Ons versoek graag dat u die volgende vorm voltooi voor 10 November 2023 deur die skakel te volg hieronder. Ons sal dit waardeer indien u en u seun die vorm so volledig en noukerig as moontlik kan voltooi en sodoende vir ons ‘n beter begrip te gee oor ons voornemende leerders ten doel om administrasie van skoolprosesse te vergemaklik. Enige sensitiewe inligting sal hanteer word met intergriteit en vertroulikheid.

Afrikaans: https://forms.gle/WBX9DcwpomtQ7tu1A


Ons moedig alle nuwe Paul Roos-ouers aan om voor einde November 2022 aanlyn aansoek te doen vir ‘n My School-kaart.  Volg die skakel https://www.myschool.co.za/portal/register en voltooi die vorm aanlyn.  Indien u reeds ‘n My School-kaart besit, maar die begunstigde is tans u seun se laerskool, stuur asb. ‘n e-pos aan me. Louise Carstens (lcarstens@paulroos.co.za) met u huidige kaart en ID nommer dat ons die begunstigde na Paul Roos Gimnasium kan verander.

Alternatiewelik kan u die aangehegde My School-kaart vorm voltooi en op die eerste dag saam met u seun skool toe stuur.

Boekelyste en skryfbehoeftes

Daar is enkele WKOD-handboeke wat deur die skool voorsien word.  Dit sal in Januarie 2023 gedurende die eerste skoolweek uitgedeel word.  Die res van die handboeke en skryfbehoeftes moet voor die skole in 2023 begin, aangekoop word.  Handboeklyste (aangeheg) en meer inligting is ook beskikbaar op die Paul Roos webtuiste – https://paulroos.co.za/gr-8-12-boekelys-book-lists/

Plaas bestellings vir handboeke vroegtydig by die onderskeie boekhandelaars.

Inligting rakende onderriggelde en koshuisbetalingsvorms sal deur die adminkantoor uitgestuur word.

Ons sien daarna uit om u as ouer en jou as nuwe Paul Rooser by ons te verwelkom!


Alle Graad 8-leerders wat beplan om in 2024 rugby te speel, word genooi om die voorseisoen-sessies by te woon. Registeer vir hierdie sessies deur die volgende skakel te voltooi.

Die sessies vind op Saterdae plaas:  28 Oktober, 4, 18 en 25 November – https://forms.gle/ULSQ2SDtJbmQwRXq9


Dear prospective Gr 8 Parents and Paul Roosers

Thank you for making Paul Roos your school of choice.

Find attached the following important information for 2024:

  1. 2024 Programme & Important information
  2. Splendidior Official School Uniform
  3. Splendidior Gr 8 2024
  4. Textbook list
  5. Academic Support
  6. My School Card application form

We kindly request that you complete the following form before 10 November 2023 by following the link below. We would appreciate it if you and your son could complete the form as comprehensively and carefully as possible, thereby giving us a better understanding of our prospective learners in order to better facilitate administration of school processes. Any sensitive information will be handled with great integrity and confidentiality.

Engels: https://forms.gle/auzFJPFAsFvWFXFY6

MySchool Card

We encourage all new Paul Roos parents to apply online for a My School Card before the end of November 2022.  Follow the link https://www.myschool.co.za/portal/register and complete the form.  If you already have a My School Card but the beneficiary is your son’s primary school, please send an email to Louise Carstens (lcarstens@paulroos.co.za) with your current card and your ID number so that we can change the beneficiary to Paul Roos Gymnasium. Alternatively complete the attached My School Card form and send it back to school.

Book lists and stationery

There are some WCED textbooks that are provided by the school. It will be distributed in January 2023 during the first week of school. The rest of the textbooks and stationery must be purchased before the schools start in 2024. Textbook lists (attached) and more information are also available on the Paul Roos website – https://paulroos.co.za/gr-8-12-boekelys-book-lists/

Place orders for textbooks early with the respective book sellers.

Information regarding school fees, hostel fees and payment will be sent out by the administration office.

We are looking forward to welcome you as a parent and your son as a new Paul Rooser at our school!


All grade 8 learners who plan to play rugby in 2024 are invited to join the pre-season sessions. Please register for these sessions by completing the form.

The sessions will take place on Saturdays: 28 October, 4, 18 and 25 November: https://forms.gle/ULSQ2SDtJbmQwRXq9