PRG Geskiedenis / History
29 January 1864
On 29 January 1864 the Rev. J.H. Neethling of the Stellenbosch Dutch Reformed church writes to Dr. Langham Dale, Superintendent General of Education of the Cape:
“As a piece of news that will interest you, I may state that yesterday (28 January 1864) 30 inhabitants of this district have decided to erect a gymnasium or Latin School. They have guaranteed 465 pounds (R930) per annum, chosen a Board of Directors of five persons to carry out the resolutions with all possible speed and decided that as soon as possible a preparatory school or infant department shall be established.”
Eerste skoolhoofde
Die eerste skoolhoof, eerw. W.E.W. Braid, word kort daarna in Skotland gewerf. Die inwydingsplegtigheid vind op 1 Maart 1866 voor ‘n aansienlike skare, wat 88 leerlinge insluit, plaas. Die eerste skoolgebou, in Dorpstraat, is vandag steeds te sien.
Eerw. C. Anderson, die tweede hoofonderwyser, aanvaar diens in 1869. Gedurende Julie 1874 kom ‘n “Arts Department”, wat die gimnasium kollegestatus gee, tot stand. Die hoof word van nou af ‘n rektor genoem en die dosente van die “Arts Department”, professore, maar hulle bly steeds onderhewig aan die gesag van die skool. Die tweede skoolgebou, tans steeds stewig op die hoek van Pleinstraat en Van Ryneveldstraat, word in dieselfde jaar betrek. In hierdie gebou het Jan Smuts, latere generaal en premier van die Unie van Suid-Afrika, soos menige stout seun, sy naam op ‘n vensterruit wat te sien is in die skoolargief, “verewig”.
Stellenbosch College
In 1879 the Rev. Anderson retires and in the same year the Gymnasium and College separate functionally. The College acquires the name “Stellenbosch College”. In 1885 the separation also becomes physical when the school and College move to new but separate premises between Andringa and Van Ryneveld Streets. The name Stellenbosch College changes to Victoria College in 1887 and this institution becomes the University of Stellenbosch in 1918.
Mr W. Milne is appointed rector in 1880. In 1887, “The Young Men’s Home” or “Het Tehuis”, the first hostel for boys, opens its doors under the supervision of Mr J.D. Krige – later affectionately known as Oom Japie “Home”. The present school hall is named after him. He was vice-rector at the time of his retirement in 1948, and ever since a painting of him takes the place of honour next to the stage.
Suid-Afrikaanse rektore
Na mnr. Milne word die tydperk van die Suid-Afrikaanse rektore in 1896 ingelui met die aanstelling van dr. J.F. Marais. In Julie 1897 trek die skool na ‘n nuwe gebou in Andringastraat (sedertdien afgebreek) en in 1899 verander die naam van die skool na die “Stellenbosch Boys’ High School”. In Mei 1901 word die skool in rou gedompel toe dr. Marais naby Rooi-Els verdrink. Die skoolbiblioteek wat in 1901 tot stand gekom het, is vernoem na dr. Marais en dra steeds sy naam.
In 1902 word mnr. W.H. Hofmeyr die rektor. W.M. MacMillan is in 1903 die eerste ontvanger van die Rhodesbeurs, wat steeds aan oud-Paul Roosers vir nagraadse studie toegeken word, en wat studie vir drie jaar aan die Universiteit van Oxford moontlik maak. Gedurende 1907 verhuis die skool vanaf Andringastraat na die gebou in Victoriastraat wat vandag die Departement van Beeldende Kunste huisves.
Rector PJ Roos
Mr Hofmeyr resigns in 1910 and in the same year ex-pupil, ex-teacher, ex-Springbok rugby captain, Mr P.J. Roos, becomes Rector. He captains the first South African rugby team to tour overseas (to Britain) in 1906. For thirty years this gentle giant of a man directs the school. Education is his life and rugby his first love. He is a “workaholic” who is always “nearly on time”. The school is honoured to bear his name. He retires in 1940.
Verhuis na Suidwal (huidige adres)
In 1941 word Oom Polla deur mnr. D. Blignault opgevolg. Op 27 September 1946 stap 564 leerlinge na die nuwe skoolgeboue op die Suidwal van die Eersterivier. Terselfdertyd word die naam ook na die Paul Roos Gimnasium verander. In Januarie 1951 skei die skool se hoër en primêre afdelings en hulle staan onderskeidelik van toe af bekend as die Paul Roos Gimnasium (PRG) en die Laerskool Paul Roos (LPR).
Mnr. D. Blignault word in 1952 opgevolg deur mnr. A.K. de Jager, wat in 1958 aangestel word as inspekteur van skole. In 1952 kry die leerlingraad sy beslag en word ‘n uniforme stelsel van skooldrag aanvaar.
Centenary 1966
In 1959 Mr G.J.A. Smit accepts the rectorship and in 1966 Paul Roos Gymnasium and the Paul Roos Primary School celebrate their centenary. Already in 1965 the tradition of celebrating the school’s birthday by inter alia placing wreaths on the graves of the founding fathers of the school, is initiated. Also in 1965 the new residence, now called Prima Nova, is occupied. Mr Smit retires in 1969.
The primary schools Paul Roos and Bloemhof amalgamate in 1977 and in 1986 the new school, Eikestad, moves to its new premises next to Strand Road. The PRP building becomes part of the high school.
Rektore na 1969
Jul 1969 – Mrt 1974: Mnr. D.J. de Villiers – word inspekteur van skole.
Jul 1975 – Jun 1977: Mnr. J.C. Coetzee – word aangestel as dosent by die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde van U.S.
Sept 1977 – Des 1984: Mnr. J.D. Slabbert – word agtereenvolgens aangestel as rektor van Denne-oord, die Wellingtonse Onderwyserskollege en Onderwysers-kollege Boland.
Jan 1985 – Jul 1992: Mnr. J.H. Galloway – tree af.
Jan 1993 – Mrt 2007: Mnr. C.W. de Jager (seun van die oud-rektor, mnr. A.K. de Jager) – tree af.
Apr 2007 – April 2017: Mnr J van der Westhuizen – tree af
Mei 2017 – tot op hede: Mnr A van Staden