OOV Kontakbesonderhede / PTA Contact Details
Voorsitter: Stephanie du Toit
083 474 1616
PRG Verteenwoordiger: Helene van Wyk
082 851 0833
‘n Hoërskoolloopbaan van die seuns is net 5 jaar van die 12 skooljare, ‘n kort tydjie wat ons die kans het om as ouers betrokke te wees by hulle aktiwiteite en skoolomgewing. By PRG is daar ±5-7 tuis-sportdae per jaar en dit beteken dat in u seun se hele skoolloopbaan daar dus net ongeveer 25-30 sulke dae kan wees. Do not miss one if these days. More important – do not let your son miss one of these days. Diarise these days in your calendar – come and stay until the end.
The PTA consists of 1 grade representative for each grade, a school representative, a secretary and a chairperson. The PTA arrange parents to help with the selling of food at the home sport games at Markötter and wherever we might be needed during functions at the school.
Sodra die sportprogram vir die naweek ontvang is, sal die klasverteenwoordiger (indien dit u klas se beurt is) die ouers kontak sodat u kan bepaal wanneer u beskikbaar sal wees om te help maar steeds u seun(s) se wedstryd kan bywoon
‘Working together” is a lot of FUN and a great way of getting to know the other parents. Please also remember that it is NOT only for the moms – the dads are equally welcome and capable to help, and it is NOT only for rugby parents; ons werk almal saam vir the hèle Paul Roos, Maroon Machine!
Kontak ons gerus indien julle enige vrae oor die OOV en/of julle rol hierin het.