Koor / Choir
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The Paul Roos Gymnasium choir became a competition choir in 2014 when Mr Stephan Bezuidenhout was appointed as the new conductor. Under his direction the choir won the ATKV Applous! competition for the category Less Experienced Boys’ Choirs in 2014 – his very first year as choir conductor. In 2015, the choir proceeded to win the Experienced Category (Boys’ Choir) of the same prestigious South African competition – the choir was placed fourth overall. In 2016, the choir returned to the competition to be placed in the second position (More Experienced Boys’ choir) and fourth overall. The choir also won the overall prize for the best performance of an African song. The choir often performs in musicals, flash mobs and other concerts.
In the words of University of Stellenbosch Lecturer of choral conduction, Martin Berger:
“The PRG Choir is one of the most remarkable school choirs in South Africa. With about 80 young male voices and under the leadership of Stephan Bezuidenhout, the choir has developed to one of the foremost young male choirs in South Africa. Award winning, experimental and unusual – PRG choir always surprises its audiences and gets them on their feet.”
Posted on 7 April 2022
Posted on 9 March 2022
Posted on 2 March 2022
Posted on 16 February 2022
Posted on 7 February 2022