The PRG Music department impress with their first concert of the year
Op Sondag, 6 Maart, het die PRG-musiekdepartment weer eens beïndruk met hul konsert “Baroque to Big Band”. Die uitmuntende uitvoerings van die PRG-Sanggroep, die PRG-orkes en die Madelein van Rooyen String Studio (wat spelers uit Paul Roos, Bloemhof en Rhenish insluit) was ‘n klinkklare aanduiding van PRG se musiekdepartement se voortdurende ontwikkeling. Beide uitverkoopte konserte is aangebied by die Spier Konferensiesentrum en is moontlik gemaak deur Atterbury Property. Die orkes,bestaande uit 46 leerders, en die PRG sanggroep met sy 12 talentvolle Paul Roos leerders het opgetree.
Die standaard van die opvoering en die produksiegehalte van “Baroque to Big Band” skep groot afwagting en opgewondenheid vir die langverwagte PRG-Atterbury Musiekfees in Augustus. Die hoogtepunt van dié konsert is die 500 seuns en 60-lid orkes wat die verhoog met die bekende Coenie de Villiers en Corlea Botha gaan deel. Nog ‘n opwindende musikale geleentheid is die Drostdy Soliste Kompetisie (8-10 Maart) waarin talentvolle PRG-leerders ook deelneem.
Koormusiekliefhebbers kan verder uitsien na die jaarlikse PR- beKOOR konsert op die 20ste April 2022. Dit sluit skoolkore van die gemeenskap in.
On Sunday the 6th of March the PRG music department once again impressed with their collaborative show “Baroque to Big Band”. The music department showcased their continuous growth with superb performances by the PRG Singing Group, the PRG Big Band, and the Madelein van Rooyen String Studio, which includes players from Paul Roos Gymnasium, Rhenish Girls’ High and Bloemhof. The two sold out concerts were hosted at Spier Conference Centre and was made possible by Atterbury Property. The orchestra was 46 learners strong whilst the singing group comprised of 12 talented Paul Roos learners.
The standard of performance and production quality of “Baroque to Big Band” creates much anticipation for the upcoming PRG – Atterbury Music Festival in August. Music lovers can look forward to a more impressive production – the highlight being 500 learners and a 60-piece band performing alongside South African celebrity Coenie de Villiers and singing sensation Corlea Botha. Another exciting upcoming musical event is the Drostdy Soloist competition (8-10 March) where talented PRG solo instrumentalists will be participating.
Choir music lovers can also look forward to the annual PRG beKOOR concert which is scheduled for 20 April 2022. This includes school choirs from the community.