In- en Uitteken Prosedures | Signing In and Out Procedures


  • Kosganger is self verantwoordelik vir die teken van naweekuittekenlyste, eksamenlyste en kontrolelyste.
  • For any activity that takes place before 7:00 and after 18:30, the boarder must sign the sign-out book. A written request per email from the parents is compulsory for regular activities/events. The following need to be stipulated: time, place and activity in which he participates.
  • Kosgangers voltooi die naweekuittekenlys op Woensdagaande, voor 20:00.
  • Parents will receive the sign out lists before 14:15 on a Thursday.
  • Enige veranderinge moet voor Donderdag 18:00 met die huisvader bevestig word.
  • Meals for boarders staying in over the weekend is compulsory.