Sien onder vir Afrikaanse weergawe.

Dear Parents / Guardians,

As you are aware, the right to privacy is protected by our Constitution and the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) entrenches that right. POPIA has become law, with the effective date of compliance set as 1 July 2021. Paul Roos Gymnasium has always taken the protection of personal information seriously, and with the announcement of this date, we are committed to meeting the Regulatory deadlines across our school. As part of this implementation and in order to be POPIA compliant, we kindly request permissions as detailed in the consent forms under point 1 and 2 listed below.

Please take note:

  1. The consent forms are based on FEDSAS (Federation of Associations of Governing Bodies of South African Schools) proposed templates and viewed as a standard for governing bodies and schools related to POPIA.
  2. PRG are not requesting you to consent to anything other or more than has been the the modus operandi of the school for years, but merely requesting your consent to continue with the way we process personal information and imagery.
  3. Please be assured that the protection of our school community’s personal information is of utmost importance to PRG.

Consent for use of images

PRG Release form in respect of learner photos, images, videos

PRG endeavours to use only very specific types of photographs and to ensure that images are appropriate and suitable for a school environment. These photographs greatly assist with promoting the school and communicating the ethos and environment in which the students learn.

Consent to use personal information

PRG Consent form in terms of POPIA

PRG endeavours to be selective in the use of information with specific focus on the performance of the school’s task as educator and in the interest of the advancement of the learners and the school.


  • A completed hard copy of both forms (Consent for use of images and Consent to use personal information) must be submitted to the class register teacher. Please note no emails are accepted.
  • Complete per learner: each learner must please submit their own form (not completed per family).
  • Deadline: Wednesday 5 May 2021, hostel learners Monday 10 May 2021.

We ask for your support and understanding in this regard.

Enquiries regarding the application of POPIA can be directed to Frans van Niekerk at info@paulroos.co.za, who is officially registered as Paul Roos Gimnasium’s CEO of POPIA.

André van Staden

Kindly also take note of the following POPIA related information – click on the links provided.

PRG Website Privacy Policy

PRG POPIA WhatsApp Protocol



Geagte Ouers / Voogde

Die reg op privaatheid word deur die Grondwet beskerm en die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting (POPIA) verskans daardie reg met  wetlike inwerkingtreding  op 1 Julie 2021. Paul Roos Gimnasium verbind hom tot die beskerming van persoonlike inligting en tot die nakoming van  die sperdatums vir sodanige regulasies. As deel van hierdie implementering en om aan POPIA-vereistes te voldoen, word toestemmings vereis soos uiteengesit in punt 1 en 2 onder.

Neem asseblief kennis

  1. Die toestemmingsvorms is gebaseer op FEDSAS (Federasie van Verenigings van Beheerliggame van Suid-Afrikaanse Skole) se voorgestelde template en word beskou as ‘n standaard vir beheerliggame en skole t.o.v POPIA.
  2. PRG vra nie toestemming tot enigiets anders as die huidige modus operandi nie, maar slegs u toestemming om voort te gaan met die manier waarop ons persoonlike inligting en beelde verwerk.
  3. Wees asseblief verseker dat die beskerming van ons skoolgemeenskap se persoonlike inligting vir PRG van die uiterste belang is.

Toestemming vir die gebruik van beelde

PRG Vrywaringsvorm mbt leerderfotos, beeldmateriaal, videos(1)

PRG poog om slegs spesifieke soort foto’s te gebruik en te verseker dat beelde geskik is vir ‘n skoolomgewing. Sodanige foto’s dra by tot die bemarking van die skool en om die PRG-etos en leeromgewing te kommunikeer.

Toestemming om persoonlike inligting te gebruik

PRG Toestemmingsvorm_ Wet op Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting(1)

PRG poog om selektief te wees in die gebruik van inligting met spesifieke fokus op die uitvoering van die skool se rol as opvoedingsinstelling en in die belang van die bevordering van die leerders en die skool.


  • ’n Voltooide hardekopie van beide vorms (Toestemming vir die gebruik van beelde en Toestemming om persoonlike inligting te gebruik) moet ingehandig word by die klasregister onderwyser. Neem asb kennis dat geen epos kommunikasie aanvaar word nie.
  • Voltooi per leerder: elke leerder moet asb sy eie vorm inhandig (nie per familie voltooi nie).
  • Sperdatum: Woensdag 5 Mei 2021, koshuisgangers Maandag 10 Mei 2021.

Ons vra u ondersteuning en begrip in hierdie verband.

Navrae oor die toepassing van POPIA kan aan Frans van Niekerk by info@paulroos.co.za, gerig word wat amptelik geregistreer is as Paul Roos Gimnasium se uitvoerende beampte van POPIA.

André van Staden

Neem asseblief ook kennis van die volgende POPIA verwante inligting –  klik op die skakel.

PRG Website Privacy Policy

PRG POPIA WhatsApp Protokol

PRG POPIA Regstelling_Skrapping