Algemene Nuus / General News

Thank You / Dankie – Seen and be Seen

The inaugural See and Be Seen Art exhibition and auction – which we launched in proud partnership with Investec – was a huge success.

The event proved to be a highlight of Paul Roos Gymnasium’s 155-year celebrations with fifteen Paul Roosers’ school fees for a year secured, all thanks to you.

Paul Roos Gymnasium (PRG) has been blessed to be able to draw on the rich talent of our unique community, by exhibiting and auctioning some of South Africa’s finest art, donated by internationally established and emerging artists, alongside talented learners from PRG and the wider Stellenbosch school community.

Die skenking van hierdie werk stel Paul Roosers in staat om hul volle potensiaal te bereik en hul drome te volg in die verwesenliking van ‘n beter toekoms, nie net vir hulleself nie, maar ook vir hul gemeenskap.

A showcase of the diverse talent of our valued artists and participating schools was brought to life at the opening event, “See you at Tea”, with well-known radio personality Johann van Lill in an inspiring conversation with Deon Meyer. PRG’s Big Band and the Plaatjies African Quintet added to the festive atmosphere, while guests sipped on Spier MCC and enjoyed the well curated art exhibition by SMAC Gallery. Joint MCs Andi Norton (Strategic Management Consultant art and education, PRG parent) and Lonwabo Mfikile (PRG Gr. 12 student council member) ensured the event ran smoothly.

The “See you Later” sundowners and a live auction, conducted by Strauss & Co Fine Art Auctioneers – Bina Genovese and team, was hosted the following evening. PRG’s Jazz Trio and Drum Line showcased the incredible talent of our learners. The evening event included a panel consisting of key players in the Cape Town art scene incl. Frank Kilbourn (Strauss & Co), Hugo van der Ahee (Investec) and Idané Burger (SMAC Gallery) on 20 October. Musicians Petrus de Beer and Stanislav Angelov made sure the guests left the event in high spirits.

Beide funksies het die Paul Roos-gemeenskap ’n geleentheid tot noue samesyn gebied en die gevoel van samehorigheid was tasbaar.

A special word of thanks / ’n Spesial dankie

Headline sponsor / Hoofborg: Investec

Partners / Vennote: SMAC Gallery, Strauss & Co Fine Art Auctioneers, Spier Arts Trust, Rupert Museum and Stellenbosch Visio

Supporting artists / Deelnemende kunstenaars:

View catalogue here.

Anita Folscher Lize Jonck
Anita Lamberti-Fuchs Louis Chanu
Anna Davel Lukas Stander (MOK Gallery)
Ashley Walters Margaret Courtney-Clarke
Carolus Heydenrych (Albertus Heydenrych, old boy) Marié Stander
Ceramic Matters Marika Bell
Clare Menck (MOK Gallery) Marinda du Toit
Coenraad Torlage Maritza Breitenbach
Conrad Bo Marlene von Dürckheim
Coral Fourie Marzé Botha
Deon Pienaar Natie Engelbrecht
Desiré Crowther Melissa Dietstein
Dylan Lewis Michelle-Lize van Wyk
Ebony/Curated Neelan Naidoo (MOK Gallery)
Erna Groenewald Neil le Roux
Ernst van der Wal Nienke van der Meulen
Evelyn Rust Patrick Bongoy
France Beyers Paula du Bois
Franci de Jager Portchie
Frank Kilbourn Rentia Retief (MOK Gallery)
Gavin Rain Roelof Rossouw (MOK Gallery)
Gerhard Swart Ronald Muchatuta
Gerhard van Eck Ros Koch
Gloudine Kriel Seth Shezi
Hannalie Taute Shany van den Berg
Helét Withers Spier Arts Trust
Hennie Meyer (MOK Gallery) Strijdom van der Merwe
Jaco Kruger Sunita Hansen
Jan Blohm Taléta Willer & Son
Jan-Hendrik Opperman Teresa Decinti
Janita Storm Thomas Moss
Lani Venter Theo Vorster
Linda Robin Wolf Varenka Paschke
Lindsay Petersen Vernon Swart (Matric, 1977)
Lize Beekman 

Gelukkigetrekking: Baie geluk aan die deelnemende kunstenaars en wenners
Ashley Walters – R5 000 kontant, Gerhard van Eck – ’n jaar lidmaatskap by die Norval Foundation, Divan Willer – R2 000 The Deckle Edge geskenkbewys.

Curatorial statement:  Bongani Mashange

Outreach project / Uitreikprojek

Leerders van deelnemende skole, Paul Roos Gimnasium, Calling Academy, Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof, Rhenish Girls’ High School, Lückhoff High School en Stellenbosch Hoërskool.

Congratulations to the participating learners Fleur Estherhuizen (first), Isubilo Mwansa (second) and Michael Adendorff (third) who walked away with cash prizes for the most popular works of art as voted for by more than 250 learners from Paul Roos Gymnasium.

Paul Roos Gymnasium Grade 8s’ See and Be Seen third term art assignment.

Winning bidders for supporting the live and online auctions – thank you for your generosity.

Prize sponsors
Auction prize: Villa at Grootbos, Grootbos Nature Reserve donated by Frank Kilbourn and Deon Huysamer  
Mediclinic, Norval Foundation, The Deckle Edge, Portchie

Produkborge en diensverskaffers
Aramex, H2O, Leka Ice, MinuteManPress
PRG-OOV (Stephanie de Kock en span), PRG-terreinspan (Awie Marais en span), Helene van Wyk, PRG-big band (Cezarre Strydom, Stephan Bezuidenhout en leerders), PRG-jazz trio (Raoul Roux en leerders), PRG-drumline (Mark Augustin en leerders), PRG-fotograaf (Jacques Vermooten, Tania van Niekerk, Yvette Senekal), Taalversorging (Kobus Badenhorst en Martli Greyvenstein), Spreker (Deon Meyer, Johan van Lill), PRG-leerlingraad 2021/2022, Mnr. Jan-Hendrik Opperman (Visuele Kuns) en alle ander helpende hande

Project Team
Investec – Colette Smart, Janita Storm, SMAC –  Idané Burger, curator

Andi Norton, Hanlé Hill, Luna Paige and Karien Winter