Algemene Nuus / General News

Boekeprojek | Book project

Boekeprojek | Book project

Geagte Ouers,

Ons loods tans ‘n boekeprojek met ‘n medium- tot langtermyn doel om meer boeke in die Paul Roos-sisteem te sirkuleer.

Soos u reeds van bewus is, word sekere WKOD-handboeke aan leerders uitgereik terwyl ander boeke aangekoop moet word.  Indien van hierdie aangekoopte boeke in die sisteem opgeneem kan word, sal dit oor die langtermyn baie kostes en frustrasie spaar.

Dit is nie vir die skool moontlik om die koste vir die aankoop van hierdie boeke te dra nie; daarom wil ons die versoek rig vir skenkings van die onderstaande boektitels.


Dear Parents

We are launching a book project with the medium to long term goal of circulating more books through the Paul Roos system.

As you are aware, certain WCED books are handed out to learners while other textbooks need to be purchased.  If some of these books could be taken up into our system, the long term effect could alleviate costs and frustration.

It is not possible for the school to carry the costs of purchasing these books and therefore we would like to ask for donations of titles that we have identified.  These titles will be taken up into the system and redistributed.


Skenkings van die volgende boeke sal opreg waardeer word en kan by k. 14 afgelewer word of saam met u seun skool toe gestuur word om in te gee by die boekstoor.

Donations of the following books will be appreciated and can be delivered at room 14 or send it with your son to deliver the books at the bookstore.


Wiskunde / Mathematics (MAS nuwe uitgawe / new edition)
Blinde Sambok
Nova Omnibus
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Hobbit
District six and other plays


Wiskunde / Mathematics (MAS nuwe uitgawe / new edition)
Absoluut Einstein
Julius Caesar


Wiskunde / Mathematics (MAS nuwe uitgawe / new edition)
Animal Farm
Die Testament
Kringe in ’n Bos
Permanente Ink
Boy At The Top Of The Mountain
The Boys in the Boat
Die Antwoordreeks 3-in-1 Lewenswetenskappe

The Answer Series 3-in-1 Life Sciences


Wiskunde / Mathematics (MAS nuwe uitgawe / new edition)
Die Antwoordreeks 3-in-1 Lewenswetenskappe

The Answer Series 3-in-1 Life Sciences

Lord of the Flies
Romeo and Juliet


Wiskunde / Mathematics (MAS nuwe uitgawe / new edition)
Verse in my inboks
Changes:  An Anthology of short stories
Computers, part of your life, Grade 11 & 12
IT is Gr8! Grade 11 & 12
Die Antwoordreeks 3-in-1 Lewenswetenskappe (Deel 1 & 2)

The Answer Series 3-in-1 Life Sciences (Part 1 & 2)

X-Kit Graad 12
English Handbook and Study Guide