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Nashua Paul Roos Gimnasium Interskoledinee / Paul Roos Gymnasium Intershools’ Dinner

The much anticipated Interschools’ Dinner, hosted on 18 August 2022 lived up to all expectations with 630 guests attending an evening characterised by camaraderie, good food, superb wines and generosity.

Hierdie spoggeleentheid, tweede van sy aard met die eerste aangebied in 2019, was die perfekte aanloop tot die 2-dae van Interskole aksie, 19 en 20 Augustus op die sportveld, in die swembad, agter die skaakbord of kateder tussen PRG en Grey Kollege Bloemfontein.

The Nashua Interschools’ dinner, hosted by the Paul Roos Old Boys Rugby Committee was supported by Aramex, Eye & Laser Clinic Tygervalley, Health Squared, My Space Residence and the Remey Group/Nooitgedacht Estate.

Die seremoniemeester, TV-persoonlikheid en musikant Pietman Geldenhuys se musiek- en komedietalent het ‘n joviale atmosfeer geskep. Die rugbypaneel, onderleiding van Old Boy, rugbyspeler en TV persoonlikheid Ricky Schroeder het bestaan uit befaamde rugbyspelers, Juandré Kruger (PRG), Schalk Brits (PRG), Heinrich Brüssow en Richardt Strauss van Grey Kollege. Staaljies van die oudskoliere is gedeel uit hul dae op die skoolbanke, ervarings as professionele rugbyspelers en lig is gewerp op die ryk geskiedenis van die twee skole.

Old Boys in the wine industry ensured that our guests were treated to some of the best wines the region has to offer including Alto, Anthonij Rupert Wyne, Beyerskloof, Hermanuspietersfontein, Kaapzicht, Neethlingshof, Neil Ellis, Pink Valley, Plaisir de Merle, Raats Family Vineyards and Stettyn Family Vineyards.

Paul Roos Gymnasium and the Old Boys’ Union would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generous donation and support of the live and silent auction that raised R1 million on the night.

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Table hosts

Headline Sponsor Nashua Winelands
Supporting Sponsor
Health Squared
Tygervalley Eye and Laser Clinic
My Space Residence
Panel Members Richardt Strauss, Grey College
Heinrich Brüssow, Grey College
Schalk Brits, Paul Roos Gymnasium
Juandré Kruger, Paul Roos Gymnasium
Ricky Schroeder
MC Pietman Gedenhuys
Auctioneer MC du Toit, BidX
Wine Tasting Alto


Plaisir de Merle
Raats Family Vineyards
Wine, Tables Anthonij Rupert Wines
Neethlingshof Estate
Neil Ellis
Pink Valley
Stettyn Wines

Anthonij Rupert Wyne

Beyerskloof, Hermanuspietersfontein



Neil Ellis, Pink Valley

Plaisir de Merle

Raats Family Vineyards

Stettyn Family Vineyards.

Contributing Partners 107 Dorpstraat Boutique Hotel
Alpha Dive Centre
Anita Lamerti-Fuchs
Anri Truter (Class of 1999)
Badenhorst family
Buhala Lodge
Christian Wilderer (Class of 1997)
Christoffel Snyman (Class of 1987)

Colourtone Aries

Dante Ruben
Diamant Estate
Du Toit Serdyn (Class of 1999)

El Centurion

Freek Dreyer (Class of 2009)
Gerhard Swart, Ceramic Matters
Gerhard van Eck
Giuseppe Ciucci (Class of 1981)
Handré Basson
Hannes Pickard
Henk Lourens
Heuer Pianos
Jannie Durand (Class of 1984)
Koos Kombuis (Class of 1972)
Le Coin Francaise
Leeu Estate
Leopard Creek
Lord Charles Hotel
Louis Boshoff
Mariè Stander
Maritza Breitenbach
MOK Gallery, Muratie
Mynderd Vosloo
Niel Volschenk (Class of 1998)
Paul Bothner Music
Paul René
Paul Roos dads
Paul Roos Moms
Paula van Coller

Percy’s Lager

Post and Pepper Restaurant
PRG Old Boys’ Rugby Committee
Red Pepper Catering
Ronald West (Class f 1992)
Rust en Vrede
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Sports, Leisure & B2C South Africa
Sushi Guru

Stellios Gaggias

Tan Leather Goods
Thérèse de Villiers Jewellery
Varenka Paschke


Paul Roos Old Boys’ Rugby Committee: Bles Kemp, Chairman (OB 1991), Anfred Waldeck (OB 1995), Du Toit Serdyn (OB 1999), Ernst Joubert (OB 1998), Flip de Bruyn (OB 1991), Juandrè Kruger (OB 2003), Niel Volschenk (OB 1998), Wimpie Steyn (1993)

Paul Roos Moms: Esna Boshoff, Laetitia Meyer, PTA

Paul Roos Old Boys’ Office & Marketing: Elza van der Walt, Luna Paige, Karien Winter