PRG Music Festival | Musiekfees 2023
25-26 OCTOBER | OKTOBER 2023
“We’re born with millions of little lights shining in the dark and they show us the way….” (Passenger)
The Paul Roos Gymnasium Music Festival is a cultural highlight on the school’s calendar every year. After the incredible success of the musical – The Addams Family (a collaboration between PRG and the SU Drama Department in August) – the Paul Roos community can most definitely rely on yet another spectacular concert. As with previous years, Atterbury Property remains a proud sponsor of the PRG Music Festival. The school is excited to announce that the Music Festival will also be receiving support from our main culture sponsor X-Chequer Fund Management, as well as new culture sponsors FNB and Fledge Capital. The expansion of corporate investment in PRG Culture is a clear indication of the continuous high-quality work delivered by the school’s theatre and music departments.
Musiekfees-aanhangers weet dat Paul Roos altyd geniet om saam met gevestigde kunstenaars te werk. In vorige jare het Paul Roos se musikante en sangers die verhoog met onder andere Amanda Strydom, Coenie de Villiers en Corlea Botha gedeel. Vanjaar is Brandon October en Anna Davel die gaskunstenaars. Brandon October vestig hom internasionaal en plaaslik as ʼn formidabele sielvolle sanger en komponis. Met sy unieke stem en warm verhoogpersoonlikheid deel hoogaangeskrewe musikante en sangers, soos Anna Davel, graag die verhoog met hom. Op haar beurt boei, vermaak en betower, die pragtige Anna Davel, al vir 21 jaar, haar gehoor en aanhangers met haar ongeëwenaarde fluweel stem.
On 25 and 26 October these two will be performing with the much-awarded Paul Roos Gymnasium singing group and choir, a 50-piece orchestra, the PRG band and a mass choir of more than 500 learners. Eikestad Primary will also form a part of this spectacular show. This exciting ensemble promises a programme filled with exemplary music and guarantees to leave audiences speechless.
Tyd | Time: 19:00
Plek | Place: Stadsaal | City Hall, Stellenbosch
Gaskunstenaars | Guest artists: Brandon October, Anna Davel
Deelnemers | Participants: Paul Roos Koor | Choir, Sanggroep | Singing group, Simfonie-orkes | Symphony orchestra, PRG-orkes | PRG band en/and PRG-massakoor | PRG Mass Choir & Eikestad Laerskool | Primary
Musiekverwerkings | Musical arrangements: Stephan Bezuidenhout, Cezarre Strydom, Lucas Heinen
Vervaardiger | Producer: Tale Be Told Productions
Kaartjieprys | Ticket price: R175 (Volwassenes | Adults) R100 (Onder 18 | Undr 18)
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